Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bullying in School

Bullying in school is a major issue going on. There are different types of bullying such as verbal, physical, indirect, social alienation, intimidation and cyberbullying. However, this issue is not new whatsoever it has been going on forever, but now being taken more seriously. Why is it being taken more seriously now then back then? Well now students are bringing in weapons to school, children are committing suicide or thinking about it because they are being bullied. Those are extremely serious issues and something needs to be done about it.
These victims of bullying are usually children who are labeled as “nerds”, have insecurities, and lack a circle of friends. Also, bullying peaks during middle school years and tend to decline in high school. There has been a study that had shown that 60% of bullies during 6-9th grade had eventually got in one criminal conviction by the age of 24. That shows us that it is a huge problem that creates later consequences and something has to be done to stop it and to stop these bullies as soon as possible.
I believe that bullying can be prevented in schools. If the teachers and staff became more aware of what is bullying and stepped in when someone is being bullied I think would make a huge difference.  Students should not have to live in fear of going to school, this should be a place where they feel the most safe yet for many it's a place they fear to go to due to bullying. I believe if maybe they use the guidance counselor for example(which would save on money for the school) as a person students can confined in if they are being bullied will help with the prevention of it. Overall, bullying is a major issuing going on in schools on a daily basis and something needs to be done to prevent it from happening.


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